ASSETONE'S Passive Income Investing Strategy

What Is The ASSETONE Wealth System?

ASSETONE Wealth System is designed to help investors demanding a 11.11% yield or better.
For investors who are dissatisfied and frustrated with risky investments such as stocks. Investing, by definition is not risky. What I mean is that in investing you make your money going in. In most cases this means buying something of value for terms that immediately create a profit for you. This way investors go into the deal knowing they don’t need the market to bail them out. These are the “no risk” deals.
ASSETONE Wealth System is about following sound investment Guiding Principles and Models, the patience to find the right opportunity, and willingness to take the correct action quickly thereby taking the risk out of the game. A wealth system with sound guiding principles as a shield that aim to produce in excess of 20% cash on cash return on your investments.
And unlike most investments, ASSETONE System allows you to be in the right place all the time so you can cash out whenever you want. Generally, real estate is cyclical. You have to buy in a way that lets you afford the cycles. And you have to know where you are in the cycle.

Who Is ASSETONE Wealth System For?

ASSETONE Wealth System is dedicated to the men and women who have a passion for their work and yet dream of someday achieving financial independence, of someday being able to finance their mission in life without having to work.

Successful people who would benefit from a property portfolio and are looking for a way to start. Our clients are typically wondering if there is a solution - time is typically at a premium for our clients and stopping a fulfilling career or profitable business is not an option

It is dedicated to all those who want the biggest life possible, who are actively seeking ways to finance that vision, who want to go as far as possible with as few roadblocks as possible, and who want to say at the end of the day, “I’m glad I did” instead of “I wish I had.”

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How Can ASSETONE Wealth System Make You A Successful Wealth Creator?

Yes, you do need to be an investor – your JOB is your JOB; building your financial wealth is something else.

Yes, you do need and want to be financially wealthy. Instead of forgetting your dreams and living within your dreams, pursue the means to live your dreams. “Remember, you are the number One Asset.”

You can’t predict what you can or can’t until you try. People get trapped by fear that they never take the first step. ASSETONE Wealth System turns that fear into the confidence they need to begin building their financial future.

The best investments require knowledge most people don’t have. Yes, you must invest in what you know. Pick an area and become expert over time. Real estate investing is one of the easiest areas in which to acquire this expert knowledge and understanding.

Your best investments will always be in areas you can or already understand. No, the good investments are not all taken. Opportunities are always there, in every market and in every time. Yes, they will be all taken by someone, but realise that, that someone could be you.

Client Success Stories

This Is What You Can Look Forward To When You Join The ASSETONE Wealth Programme

John sold his business and was advised to put £750K in liquid cash earning 0.7% and the bulk in equity stocks and shares. Instead, less than 18 months with ASSETONE John is retired and is earning £6,850pm net passive income, owns four HMOs worth £2,345,000. John has got what he has always dreamed of.
Steve self-employed was earning £50,000 p/a working 70 hours a week, he couldn't afford to buy cars or motorbikes so borrowed money to buy them and couldn't keep up with the payments. With our help over 10 years, Steve now owns several beautiful cars and bikes, earns £15K per month with 12 HMOs and has a portfolio value of £5,455,000
Daniel inherited a sum of money from his Grandpa, he bought a property in cash for £217,500 and spent £12,000 to fix it. Daniel tried to rent it out himself without success and took 4 months to sell it at a loss. After 6 months with ASSETONE Daniel has a steady, net, regular passive monthly income of £4,500 from 3 HMOs with a value of £1,425,000.
Jeremy and Marion started to invest in properties in 2003, but felt it took them years to generate any decent income from them. They wanted to achieve £20K net monthly income from properties. They joined ASSETONE in June 2013 and have since added 10 HMOs, making 71 rooms. The value is now £6,500,000. Generating in excess of £20,000 net monthly passive income. Their portfolio continues to grow.

How To Take Advantage Of The '18-Year Market Cycle' To Become A Highly Successful 'Hands-Off' Property Investor

In this guide you will discover:

  How to build a multi-million-pound property portfolio without risking a penny

​​  How to guarantee a 6-figure net annual passive income

​​  How to do it all without lifting a finger

  And so much more!